Kingdom Hearts: Sora's Forms

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Valor Form

When you merge with Goofy to go into Valor Form, your costume will change into a red outfit and gain the ability to use two Keyblades (you can select Valor Form's Keyblade through Sora's equipment in the item menu). In Valor Form, you'll have increased strength and speed, and more attacks in each of your combos. Unfortunately, you can't use magic, Goofy won't be in your party until you go out, and your drive gauge goes down (If the drive gauge runs out when the number is on zero, you will automatically change back to Standard Form). Dealing one hit to an enemy gives your Valor Form 1 EXP, which is needed to level it up. This is the first Form you'll get in the game when the Drive Gauge becomes available to use.


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