This is the new form you'll get in Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix, I'm guessing you can get this Form sometime in Twilight Town after your 2nd visit. I'm not sure what power ups you'll get in this form this Form, but I do know you'll be able to do Sora's Dodge Roll, Sonic Blade, Strike Raid, Ars Arcanum, and Ragnarok abilities from Kingdom Hearts 1 (which is just called Kingdom Hearts). The good news is your party member stay with you while in this Form, you can go into this Form if there is two to zero party members with you, and you'll recover health each time you do a Limit attack. But
your drive gauge still goes down (If the drive gauge runs out when the number is on zero, you will automatically change back to Standard Form). By using Sonic Blade, Strike Raid, Ars Arcanum, and Ragnarok, you give some EXP points to this Form.